Monday 20 June 2011

Post 2

What is Creativity?
The site below is a list of different interpretations of the term 'Creativity':
Interpretations of Creativity (click to follow link)

The site below is a detailed description with different theories describing the term 'creativity':
Theories on Creativity  (click to follow link)

Creativity is shown through different interpretations some of these have been put together through Linda Naiman. Here is a link below showing this:

To sum up the term 'creativity' it is seen as the ability to produce something new through imaginative skill, whether a new solution to a problem, a new method or device, or a new artistic object or form. The term generally refers to a richness of ideas and originality of thinking.

The image underneath is an example of the term 'creativity' and what this term leads to:

Our game of consequences
When playing the game of consequences, we researched and found two methods of playing this game. The first method of the game is played like this:
The aim of the game is to produce a short story, which hopefully turns out to be funny.
Here is the basic outline of what has to be written. Words in bold must be written, words in "quote marks" indicate the type of thing that should be written.
"Boy's name"
Met "Girl's name"
In/At/On "Place"
He said "What he said"
She said "What she said"
The consequences were "What the consequences were"

Once the end is reached, each person unfolds the paper they are holding, and reads it out loud to the group. 
The second method of the game is played like this:
The first contributor writes down 'The' plus an adjective, such as 'Exquisite', then folds over the paper to hide their contribution. The second contributor writes a noun such as 'corpse' and folds over their bit, so each successive contributor has no idea what was written before. The third writes a verb, such as 'drinks', then folds it over. The fourth gives the game another 'the' and an adjective such as 'new'
And the fifth writes another noun. The paper then goes back to the first person who unfolds it to reveal the full one sentence poem.

After our class played the first method of this game twice, we came out with 2 outcomes, one of these was 'Jedward met Jennifer Lopez at a sperm donation centre, he said wanna suck my banana, she said looks big enough and the consequences were they all got covered in white paint.' the second one was 'Kate Middleton met Justin Beiber at a dentist, he said please don't let me go, she said not with those legs and the consequences were that they had aids.
Our class then played the second method of the consequences game, the outcome read like this: 'The lively ladybird dances the luminiscent bread'. To make this sentence even more creative I decided to make a picture to illustrate this sentence

After playing our game of consequences, I feel this game could and couldn't be seen as showing your creative side. This is shown in the table below:
Could be seen as creative
Could not be seen as creative
The game of consequences could be seen as creative due to the fact the players playing this game can use their imagination to think of a girls name, boys name, location, he said, she said and the consequences
This game however does not always make sense due to the fact that some players can be too creative and the story may not make sense.
This game could also be seen as creative because all stories at the end of the game are different and everyone playing the game is creative because of the result of the originality of thought.

This game will also bring out the players creative side because they are able to use their imagination to think of any events or names in the world.

The outcomes after playing this game were very original and not likely to of been thought of without playing this game.

Advantages of this particular method was the fact that the class was presented with unique sentences which could lead to potential scripts or storylines

After playing this game, I then took inspiration from the consequences game and played the consequences game with pictures. The method of this game is:
Each player has a sheet of drawing paper, which he folds, into three. On the top section of the sheet he draws a head (the more grotesque the better), making sure that the lines of the neck just creep over the bottom of the fold onto the middle section.

Could be seen as creative

Could not be seen as creative
The game of picture consequences could be seen as creative due to the fact the players playing this game can use their imagination to think of funny ways to draw different parts of the human body
This game could also not be seen as creative, this could be because, some players of the game would not use their imagination to be creative and the end product would just turn out to be a normal person
The outcomes after playing this game were very original and not likely to of been thought of without playing this game.

Advantages of this particular method was the fact that I was presented with unique pictures which no other person would draw normally.

After doing these activities I wanted to do a different activity to show how creative I can be, after thinking of activities that fill this criteria, I thought I might do the shopping list game. The method to this game is that the first person in the group says the line 'When I went shopping I bought...' and then they think of an object that they could buy, for example a beach ball. The next person in the group then repeats the line 'When I went shopping I bought' and would finish the sentence with the person before thems response, in our case the beach ball and then add on another object for example, a new top and then the game carrys on along these lines until the player can't remember all the objects the players had said before them. Here are some examples of the shopping list we came up with:
  1. Diving board
  2. Phone
  3. Dress
  4. Laptop
  5. Penguin
  6. Flower
  7. Broccoli
  8. Hair
  9. A pair of father christmas socks
  10. Duster
  11. Pancake
  12. Fireplace

<><><><> <><><><> <><><><>

Could be seen as creative

Could not be seen as creative
The game of shopping list could be seen as creative due to the fact the players playing this game can use their imagination to think of an item to put onto the shopping list
This game however could not be creative due to some players thinking of stereotypical items on a shopping list and not thinking creatively.
This game could also be seen as creative because all shopping lists at the end of the game are different and everyone playing the game is creative because of the result of the originality of thought.

This game will also bring out the players creative side because they are able to use their imagination to think of any items in the world.

The outcomes after playing this game were very original and not likely to of been thought of without playing this game.

Advantages of this particular method was the fact that the class was presented with unique shopping lists

After completing all these activities I would define creativity as a unique idea that is created through the originality of thought.
He re-folds the paper so that the head is hidden and hands his sheet to the next player. Then, using the neck lines as a guide, each player draws a body on the middle section. This time, he makes sure that the-lines of the leg tops just creep onto the bottom section.
The paper is re-folded so that only the bottom section is showing, and passed on to the third player. He draws the legs. By this time, each picture is complete, with head, body and legs drawn by different people. One by one, the sheets are unfolded to reveal the finished drawings.
An example of me being creative individually
The image above shows my individual creativity skills because I had the choice to use any materials to make each letter, but I had certain limits to be creative. This picture could also be seen as creative because the outcome made turned out to be original and unique.

As a class we then got set a task in small groups to create a short clip and this clip must include the use of a pen. This clip would give us the chance to use our creativity skills to create a unique video clip.

After doing the first take of this video we felt that the idea worked and was very creative but we didnt have many camera shots throughout the video so we then did a second take of our idea which worked out really well and turned out to be quite humourous.

Tuesday 14 June 2011

Post 1


The link below shows various interpretations of the term 'skill':

From my understanding I believe a skill is a particular ability that you are able to do well and can be trained to learn this ability. From my past media products and in the future ones, I will acquire certain skills, one of the major ones that I mainly have learnt during my time studying for media being the technical skills. The other main skill I have acquired is the PLTS skills, this stands for personal learning and thinking skills, this divides up into the following skills, Teamwork, Creativity, Independant Enquiry, Reflective learning, Self-Managers and a Effective Participator. Here is a picture below that develops these PLTS skills:
Source: PLTS skills diagram (click to follow link)
The PLTS skills I feel I have developed or need to improve on in this next year of Media Studies:
Independent Enquirers
I feel that over this past year I have learnt the skills to research and explore into problems and issues I may have had and the topics and media influences I have had. Over this next year I hope to develop this skill by evaluating the research I will need to do and consult with my peers to seek an opinion and alternative approaches.
Creative Thinkers
From earlier media productions I have been able to develop my skills of being a creative thinker by generating ideas to make my preliminary task and to generate my opening sequence. I have devloped the way I brainstorm my creative ideas to connect them all together to show to my classmates. I hope to develop this skill by asking for feedback and evaluation on my work.
Reflective Learners
During my time doing Media Studies so far I have developed the ability to identify and address my strengths and weaknesses and to adapt my work to emphasise my strengths and minimise my weaknesses. My target is to set myself goals to achieve and to assess my work to reach these personal goals. 
Team Workers
Before taking the Media Studies course I have always considered myself to be a team worker however this was advanced after taking the subject as I was able to take on responsibility within a team to meet the requirements of the course. Over the rest of the subject I intend to develop this further by providing feedback to the rest of my peers that is constructive.
Self Managers
My ability to self manage has improved over the past year as I have had to prioritise and impliment work in order to deliver my goals and targets. An example of this was completing filming and editing on time so that the next phase of work can be started on time and there was no slippage in the overall task.
Effective Participators
In order to complete the task it was vital that my team had to all pitch in together with no weak links within the team. I therefore consider myself to be an effective participator. In this next year I hope to develop this skill by  influencing and negotiating with others to achieve my overall goal.