The first step to editing our film after it had all been filmed on the camera was to capture the scenes we needed to edit. To do this we plugged the camera into the editing suite and viewed all our footage. Whilst viewing our footage we then made a logging rushes table where we had to make decisions into what takes of each shot we wanted to keep for our final production. In this table we had the in code, where the clip started, out code, where the clip ends, the scene, shot and take, a description of what happens within that scene and a column to write down whether we wanted that scene or not. Below is the logging rushes table for our short film ‘Status’. After we had finished our table we then had to capture the clips we said we wanted to keep.
Once we had filtered through all our footage so we had left
only the scenes that had been captured we then made a rough cut of our film. We
went through each captured clip individually cutting it to the parts of the
clips we wanted, cutting out unnecessary sounds like ‘action’ or ‘cut’. Once
this was done we then added them together creating a rough cut of our film, a
simple version to see what our film might look like. Now this was done we ran the
whole of our rough cut through looking for continuity issues. Concentrating on
the visuals we were able to see whether our short film so far worked. This is
the point where we saw the issues mentioned in my production blog post so to
make the visuals work we then went to re-film this. Once the re-filmed footage
had been through the stages mentioned before and inserted into the rest of the
rough cut we then had a basis for our film and the visuals.
This then led to the next stage of the editing process which
was to sort out the sound, looking at the sound levels so far of our film. The
first stage was to mix the sound of each clip together. This consisted of
adding sound dots so we could control sound levels. The main reason for mixing
sound when we were editing was so that the film would not only flow in the
visuals but also the audio. Once the sound had been mixed we then had the job
of making sure the middle parts of each clip had the right sound levels as some
clips were a lot louder than others. This just consisted of putting in more sound
dots and moving them up down carefully to control the volumes of each clip. We
found that because we had not experimented or used a microphone with such
sensitivity before, we had a variety of sound issues. Some that consisted of
the microphone picking up unwanted background noise and others where the sound
just cut off completely. This created more problems when it came to editing as
there was unwanted sound that needed to be fixed. However this easily done by
controlling levels and using sound from previous takes where the audio has
worked really well.
Once the visuals and the audio were both done so they were
to the standards that we had set ourselves we then had to complete the fine
details for the rest of our film. The first small detail we needed to complete
was the music we wanted, to look for the music we went onto the site unsignedbands.web where we found a song to use for the start and end of our film which is displayed below:
Once this was done it then meant we had finished the editing for our short film and all we had left to do wasto render our film.This year the editing process was a lot easier as we had a lot more experience as we used Adobe Premier Pro last year and we could work our way around this software easily and quickly.
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