Thursday 10 May 2012

Post 19b

Evaluation Questions and Tasks
Question 2 - How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

Below I am going to analyse and compare the similarities of my three products. This includes my short film, postcard and film review. The objective of this is to see how effective the combination of my three tasks is.

Similarity 1

This combination of my short film and ancillary tasks all show a similar common theme coming up of secrecy. My short film is about a young teenage boy who is unsure of his sexuality however by the end of the film he chooses Ashley to be with revealing that he is actually gay. However throughout the film this is kept secret because he knows if it gets out he will lose his status. This links to my review as well because as the highlighted text above displays if the secret gets out it will jeopardize his high status meaning he has to keep this to himself. This is finally shown in the postcard the zip displayed across the image symbolizes that he should keep quiet. This means that all three products link to the theme of secrecy.

Similarity 2
Between the combination of my film review, postcard and short film I have mentioned the cast and crew names. This in my opinion is a very important attribute as not only can they be seen as a USP because we are new to the film industry and therefore our styke if filming is different to others but also these people were very important in the making of the film and therefore should be mentioned.
Similarity 3
 From this image we see that we were very effective in combining the three products. In all three the main character is displayed. This is because the film follows his difficult journey into the discovery of his sexuality. The  film is based around the character of James and therefore he is the main central point to all three of my products as this reflects what the film is about.
Similarity 4
I was also effective in combining the products in terms of the hidden feminine aspects that give the audience little hints into James' real sexuality. In the film we have put in little hints and symbols that are stereotypically linked to femininity, for example the purple flower seen in the screenshot above. This was also mentioned in the film review to give the audience little hints. The final product this is found in is the postcard. I have used this idea of hidden femininity in my title where I have used a pink. This gives the audience little hints but cant however guess what it is. It is also found in the postcard with the heart zip as hearts are also seen as a sign of femininity.

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