Friday 11 May 2012

Post 19c

Evaluation Questions and Tasks

Question 3 - What have you learned from your audience feedback?
Short Film


Film Review

My responses and reflections on my feedback
I feel that the feedback I got from all three products really helped me to reflect on my products, analysing them on their strengths and weaknesses and how I could change them to make them better and more appealing to my target audience.

The first of my three products I looked at was my short film. One of the popular comments I got from my audience was that some of the acting was poor. Due to the short amount of time we had in the pre-production and production we struggled to find very professional and experienced actors throughout the whole film. We managed to get professional actors for the main characters however due to the limited time limit we felt that it was more important to spend time on the pre production parts like the technical reece's rather than finding professional actors for the whole product as this would be really difficult. Another comment that we recieved was the fact that they felt that the film needed more music throughout I felt that this was a good point. Music is a great way of setting the mood and keeping the audience engaged and if I went back and improved on my film I would defiantely take this point into consideration. One member of my audience that gave feedback didn't like how short it was and felt it could have been developed out. I would take this on board in the future however our aim was to make a short film and therefore I felt that if we had made our film any longer it would not have stuck to its aim. The next comment was the fact the football match didn't look very realistic. I feel that this was true and looking back on my project I would have given the scenes with the football matches a lot more time and organisation. This would have made the football match a lot more realistic as we could have got a lot more players.

The second of my three products that I got feedback from was my postcard for my short film. My audience really like this section out of all of my products. One criticism they did have of my postcard was the amount of text displayed. The audience felt that there was too much and although they liked the fact that it gave out a lot of detail. They felt that for a postcard it needed to be shortened so that they can quickly recognise the important parts of what they needed to know rather than having to try and filter through. If I was to make a postcard again to distribute a short film I would take this into consideration as I feel that as the audience we just want to know the basics so we can get the 'gist' of whether this film is for the individual or not.

The last of my three products that I analysed was my film review. One section of the audience stated that they didn't like the lines at the top of the page as it made it feel tightly packed in and hard to read. I feel that next time to improve I will look into the forrmat of reviews to see if I can space it out more so it is displayed more clearly. The audience also felt it was quite plain and not very eye catching I feel to change this I could add more colour to my review, but sophisticated colours to keep with the style of the review.

Overall I feel that the majority of the audince like my three finished products and the only weaknesses they felt were found were small and only minor points.

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